HEY beauty, 

Ready to make your life the steamiest fantasy rom-com you've ever watched?

Tired of feeling overwhelmed, icky and like you are missing joy? Want a day to deepen into magic & find your flow, your happiness, your joy again (and learn the key to keep it)? 

I know you, you're busy building your empire. You don't have time to be fiddling around with courses, podcasts,  self help books –
nor do you want a one size fits all solution ... 


Book me in!


But if you're anything like me, you need help to take your super power to the next level. You just want someone to tell you what works and what doesn't, curated just for you!

The VIP day was designed out a client request, when our 1:1's coaching sessions were always slid between her hectic corporate meetings and she desired to go deep into the mystery of herself ... the results were pure magic!  Quantum leap this way!

Hi love,

I'm Katie Sol, a "former" high flying Corporate America Retail Exec, with the fancy MBA, beautiful family, cushy bonuses, stunning wardrobe, but inside I was unhappy, my body was deep in autoimmune chaos, we were navigating the family disease of addiction, I had totally lost my joy, was forever questioning my purpose, wondering if this was all ...

Until I said f-it and started following my truth, which was when the magic, joy & miracles began.  Well, truthfully there was a period of letting go of the old me (the marriage, the fancy job, the limiting beliefs) ... and then my "too good to be true" life began!

My genius lies in supporting women to unlocking their purpose, mastering their energy and ... banish fear of being the true you, banish living a life of overwhelm, banish people pleasing nonsense (basically, unwiring everything we've been taught as a powerful successful women looks like & rewiring you firmly in your truth as a divine feminine oracle).

So, if you KNOW the current way isn't working, but the very thought of putting all the pieces together makes you want to scream...

I've got you & your VIP day awaits!

Book Your VIP Day!

real results

"I have clarity around my purpose in this lifetime that is serving as an anchor as I design the life of my dreams. My purpose is actually very different than I *thought* it would be, and I don't think I would have arrived at this clarity without the structures of Katie's coaching."

- Martina,
Luia Wellness

"I never knew how great it could be working with a content creator who GETS it. Nora really gets it.

I'm baby farm-to-table sartorial helvetica, migas marfa paleo chambray normcore 8-bit bushwick roof party truffaut banjo actually. YOLO health goth jean shorts forage farm-to-table flannel. Brooklyn hexagon biodiesel af, man bun literally salvia live-edge fixie cornhole freegan. 

- monique, model


Katie was the most incredible mentor I've ever worked with. 

SHE'S A magical GENIUS.

- Cat



Set the Stage

We will meet for 1 60 minute zoom to co-create your VIP day ... start dreaming into the magic!



Curated just for you in Wellesley, MA!  Think Akashic Records, Human Design Deep Dive, Body Work, Anointing, Ceremonial Nourishment, Katie's signature Multidimensional Manifestation Method ... 


Ongoing Butt-Kicking

No not really, but think of me as your mystical trainer ... post VIP day 1 60 minute zoom & re-entry strategy to keep you in the flow.

Let's Work 


You are tired of grinding & hustling to succeed

You desire to change and level up your impact & legacy

You are ready to welcome in a more magical & magical way of living

You are tired of seeking external validation & ready to live life on your terms 

You know there is a shinier, brighter more luminous & magnetic you inside of you ready to emerge

You are ready to stop forcing life out of fear (seeking control, safety & approval) and ready to flow in miracles




I can't wait to help you level up & into your truth.

If you're into deepening your consciousness, ethereal fashion, great mocktails, things I find funny + probably way too many videos of mystical living ... You've come to the right place. 

I'm real into insta →

I'm a VERY late adopter  →

Huge You Tube fan →